Exploring the Intricate Network of Undersea Internet Cables

Exploring the Intricate Network of Undersea Internet Cables

The internet is a vast network of cables spanning hundreds of thousands of miles, running through tubes on the ocean floor. These cables are essential for keeping the modern world connected and without them, our society would face collapse. The individuals responsible for maintaining these cables have challenging and unique jobs that are often overlooked by the average person.

In this episode, we sit down with The Verge’s Tom Warren and Joanna Nelius to discuss the new generation of PCs that Microsoft and other companies are touting as significant improvements. Can Qualcomm deliver the PC chip we have been waiting for? Is this finally the year of Windows on Arm? What exactly is an AI PC? We delve into all of these questions and more to explore the future of computing.

Lastly, Alex Cranz joins us to address a hotline question about e-readers. E-readers continue to evolve, and it’s always fascinating to learn about the latest developments in this technology.

To learn more about the topics discussed in this episode, you can read Josh’s article on undersea cables and explore the links provided for further information.

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