Robert Fico aims to control the state media.

Slovak Government Targets Media Freedom: A Look at the Battle for Press Freedom in Eastern Europe

In response to the government’s actions towards the judiciary, the new Slovak government has turned its focus on the media. The government is taking radical steps to influence the reporting of public channels and private media outlets are also feeling the pressure. Journalists at the Slovakian broadcaster RTVS wore all black to show resistance against a proposed reform that would dissolve the institution and reorganize it under a new name, STVR.

The government’s culture minister, who is aligned with left-wing populist leader Robert Fico, has criticized RTVS for not allowing a variety of views in its reporting. The government’s plans to reshape the public broadcaster have been met with widespread criticism and opposition. Thousands of people have protested against these reforms and the erosion of media freedom in the country. Despite some changes made by the government to their initial proposals, concerns about media freedom continue to grow among the population.

Fico’s government has also targeted private media outlets and journalists critical of the government. The pressure on private media is causing concern among journalists and media professionals in Slovakia. However, there is some optimism that Fico does not have the same level of control as leaders like Viktor Orban in Hungary. The situation in Slovakia is being closely watched by media freedom advocates, both in the country and abroad, as concerns continue to mount about

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