Rare footage shows tigress and her cubs feasting on crocodile they killed in the wild

Rare Moment of Majestic Feline Hunting: Inside the Striking Photos of Riddhi the Tiger and her Cubs Feasting on a Crocodile in Ranthambore National Park

At Ranthambore National Park in Rajasthan, a group of visitors were able to witness a rare moment of a tigress and her three cubs feasting on the carcass of a crocodile they had killed. The pictures taken show the majestic feline family lying on the banks of a pond, taking turns devouring the spoils of their successful hunt.

The mother, Riddhi, a 6-year-old Bengal tigress, has previously attempted to hunt crocodiles but this was her first documented success. Her status as the reigning queen of Ranthambore is solidified by this triumph. Before Riddhi, her grandmother Machli was known as the park’s resident “crocodile killer” until her death in 2016. Visitors who witnessed Machli slay a 14-foot-long crocodile remember her legendary battle.

Tigers typically do not go after crocodiles as prey but may take the opportunity if one is near the water’s edge where they are more vulnerable. Tigers prefer to hunt prey such as pigs, deer, elephant calves, and leopards on land. It appears that hunting crocodiles may be in Riddhi and her cubs’ bloodline as they appeared unscathed from the hunt.

These powerful predators can consume more than 80 pounds of meat in one sitting and are known for their swimming abilities. The tigress and her cubs at Ranthambore National Park displayed their hunting prowess as they feasted on the crocodile carcass, showcasing their strength and dominance in the wild.

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