Shipping American Shells to Israel via Turkey

Turkey’s Strategic Maneuvers in Global Conflicts: Capitalizing on Increasing Demand for Artillery Shells to Strengthen Alliances

For many years, the phrase “The road to Washington goes through Jerusalem” has been commonly used by people around the world. Turkey was the first Muslim country to recognize Israel in 1949, aiming to strengthen ties with Washington and eventually join the NATO alliance in 1952. The move was driven by a fear of Soviet expansion after World War II rather than support for Zionism.

Today, in the midst of strained relationships between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, traditional alliances are shifting. Biden and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have found common ground based on mutual opportunism. Erdogan’s approval was needed for Sweden to join NATO and for Turkey to upgrade its air force, solidifying their relationship.

Reports suggest that Erdogan may visit the White House on May 9, marking his first visit since Biden took office. This unexpected closeness between the two leaders is driven by increasing demand for artillery shells, particularly the 155mm diameter shells used by NATO countries like Israel. The conflict in Ukraine has escalated, leading to shortages in supply. The US and EU are working to increase production rates to meet demand, with Turkey expected to play a significant role in the supply chain.

Erdogan’s strategic maneuvers in global conflicts, such as selling drones to Ukraine while receiving S-400 batteries from Russia, demonstrate his complex diplomatic approach. By aligning with the US on artillery production, Erdogan is positioning Turkey as a key player on the world stage. As demand continues to rise for artillery shells, countries like Turkey are capitalizing on opportunities to solidify their positions in international affairs.

The shifting alliances and geopolitical dynamics highlight how global politics are interconnected and how leaders like Erdogan navigate complex relationships to advance their interests.

In conclusion, Turkey’s recognition of Israel in 1949 was driven by fear of Soviet expansion after World War II rather than support for Zionism. Today’s shift towards closer relations between Turkey and the US is being fueled by increasing demand for artillery shells due to global conflicts such as Ukraine.

As a journalist covering this topic, it is important to note that geopolitical tensions can be volatile and unpredictable at times. Countries like Turkey will continue to play significant roles on international stages as they seek opportunities for growth and influence within global politics.

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