Discover your candidate for the European elections with Kauppalehti’s election tool now available

Election Machine: A Revolutionary Tool for Informed Decision Making in the Upcoming European Parliament Elections

Kauppalehti has launched a new tool to help voters make informed decisions during the upcoming European Parliament elections on June 9. The tool, known as the “Election Machine,” consists of 20 statements that candidates have responded to, allowing voters to see which candidates and parties align best with their views.

The statements cover a range of topics including EU operations, foreign and security policy, environment and climate, and values. Voters can answer the statements with options like “completely disagree,” “disagree,” “neutral,” “agree,” or “completely agree” to get a more accurate result about the suitability of candidates.

The Election Machine displays the candidates and parties that best match the voter’s views, as well as a ranking of conservative-liberal and right-left axes on a value map. This helps voters make more informed decisions about which candidates to support based on their beliefs and values.

The selection of candidates for the European Parliament elections is still ongoing, with the deadline for nominations on May 30. Early voting begins on May 29 and ends on June 4 in Finland, providing ample time for voters to make an informed decision. Kauppalehti’s Election Machine may continue to add candidates until the list is confirmed on May 10, ensuring that voters have access to the most up-to-date information.

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