Secretary of Economy states that Tesla Gigafactory in Mexico remains unaffected by layoffs

Tesla’s Giga Mexico Construction on Track Despite Global Staff Reduction: Interview with Iván Rivas Rodríguez

The construction of Giga Mexico, Tesla’s new plant in Nuevo León, is not affected by the recent global staff reduction at the company, according to Iván Rivas Rodríguez, the State Secretary of Economy. Despite the layoffs that have affected some employees via email, Rodríguez reassured in an interview with Milenio that Tesla’s investment in the municipality of Santa Catarina remains on track and that there is no perceived risk.

Rodríguez stated that despite the recent staff reductions at Tesla, including sales employees in China who were told their roles were redundant, workers at Tesla Giga Berlin in Europe have not received any news of impending layoffs. Reports of potential job cuts in Berlin have been refuted by Tesla, emphasizing the need to go through the appropriate channels to lay off workers in Germany.

Following the recent staff reductions at Tesla, some employees received notification via email that they were being laid off due to cost reductions and increased productivity as the company prepares for its next phase of growth. However, Rodríguez stated that everything is proceeding as planned in coordination with the company and that there is no change in collaboration with Tesla despite these layoffs.

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