Ford Almussafes waits for electric vehicles with reduced workforce and production of Kuga

Ford Almussafes: From Uncertainty to Positive Developments with New Multi-Energy Passenger Vehicle Production

After years of uncertainty, Ford’s Valencian plant in Almussafes is finally seeing some positive developments. The recent decision to award the factory with the production of a new “multi-energy passenger vehicle” has brought much-needed clarity and stability for the workforce. This confirmation came after a high-level meeting in Dunton, England, where the immediate future of Ford Almussafes was discussed.

The workforce in Almussafes had been anxious about securing new workloads as the plant was set to stop manufacturing the Kuga model, which had been a flagship product. With the discontinuation of several other models in recent years, the workforce had been facing challenges, including a significant reduction in staff due to previous employment regulation files (EREs). However, with the assignment of this new model, there is hope that sufficient workload will be maintained and further staffing adjustments may be avoided.

In addition to these challenges, the pandemic has also impacted Ford Almussafes, leading to temporary employment regulation files (ERTEs) as the factory struggled with production stoppages, supply chain issues, and market changes. While there are still uncertainties about the specific models that will be manufactured in Almussafes, Ford’s focus on electric vehicles has brought new hope for growth opportunities in this rapidly expanding market.

Despite these challenges and criticisms from unions regarding lack of clear timelines, investments and production volumes for Almussafes -the determination and resilience of the workforce coupled with strong leadership decisions are paving way for a brighter future for Ford Almussafes.

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