Exercise as a Potential Treatment for Depression

The Ultimate Guide to Exercising for Depression: Study Reveals Most Effective Types of Physical Activity

A recent analysis published in The BMJ examined 215 studies to determine the most effective types of exercise for managing depression symptoms. The study compared various forms of exercise, including walking, running, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, aerobic exercise, and strength training.

The researchers found that walking, running, yoga, strength training, and dancing were the most effective types of exercise for individuals using exercise as the sole treatment for depression. For those who combined exercise with talk therapy, yoga, tai chi, and aerobic exercise were particularly beneficial, especially for men and older adults. People who included any form of exercise while taking antidepressants showed better outcomes compared to those who only used medication.

The study emphasized that while higher-intensity exercise was most helpful for depression, any regular exercise routine is better than none. The duration and frequency of exercise did not significantly impact the effectiveness. Therefore, consistent exercise can help manage symptoms of depression regardless of intensity or duration.

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