New NBA TV deals will spark NFL envy

NBA’s New TV Deals Set to Boost NFL’s Future Revenue Potential

The NBA is on the brink of securing new TV deals that could potentially double the value of their current agreements, catching the attention of the NFL. As more networks and streaming platforms pay the NBA for its content, the NFL can afford to pay more for its own programming.

For instance, NBC is reportedly willing to pay the NBA $2.5 billion annually for a package of games, which excites the NFL as it sees an opportunity to increase revenue. The NFL has the option to terminate its current TV deals after 2029 and plans to expand to 18 games in the future, positioning itself to capitalize on rising NBA rights values.

The NFL has a loyal and dedicated fan base, and networks recognize the value that NFL programming brings to their table. While networks should be grateful that they cannot renegotiate their TV deals for another five years, it is likely that the NFL will find a way to push for better terms when the time comes. The popularity and viewership numbers of NFL games make them a highly sought-after product, and with this strong position, the league can negotiate for better deals in the future.

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