Mental Health Services Provided Within Communities in the WHO South-East Asia Region

Expanding Access to Community-Based Mental Health Services in WHO South-East Asia Region: A Comprehensive Action Plan for 2023-2030

In 2022, the Member States of WHO South-East Asia Region made a commitment to promote and facilitate access to community-based mental health services. This was achieved through the adoption of the Paro Declaration on universal access to people-centred mental health care and services. The declaration aimed at ensuring that everyone in the region had access to high-quality mental health services that were responsive to their unique needs.

Following this declaration, the Mental health action plan for the WHO South-East Asia Region 2023–2030 was introduced. The action plan has four main objectives, with Objective 2 focusing on providing comprehensive, integrated, and responsive mental health and social care services in community-based settings. Under Objective 2, there is an extensive menu of options provided to expand and strengthen community-based mental health services in WHO South-East Asia Region Member States.

The action plan includes indicators to track the progress of the expansion of community-based mental health services. These indicators include the number of community-based mental health centres that provide care and support options for people with mental health conditions and psychosocial disabilities in the community, such as day care centres and rehabilitation centres. Other indicators include the proportion of general hospitals with mental health units and the number of supported living facilities, including both long and short-stay options.

Overall, this action plan aims to improve access to quality mental health care for all individuals in WHO South-East Asia Region Member States by expanding and strengthening community-based services. By implementing these initiatives, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone has access to essential healthcare services regardless of their location or background.

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