Temple Health promotes at-home colon cancer screening awareness

Bridging the Gap: Temple Health’s Initiative to Increase Access to Preventative Colonoscopies for Marginalized Individuals

Temple Health is working to address the issue of decreased access to preventative colonoscopies for eligible adults. Dr. Abraham Ifrah, an internal medicine resident at Temple, emphasizes the importance of reaching marginalized individuals with preventative care. The gold standard for detecting colorectal cancer is a colonoscopy, but many people face challenges in completing this process. To address this, Temple Health is promoting awareness around take-home fecal immunochemical tests (FIT) as an alternative screening option. By increasing awareness and accessibility to screening methods, Temple Health aims to improve outcomes and reduce disparities in colorectal cancer detection. Early detection of cancer through regular screenings can lead to successful treatment and even a cure for older adults, but many are not getting the care they need.

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